During the filming of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the director did not allow the young actors to see the “chocolate room” so that the camera could capture their honest reaction to experiencing it for the first time. When you watch this classic movie, you can feel the joy in the children’s wide eyes and giddy laughter. There is something about sweet treats that brings out the kid in all of us. You can catch that feeling as people of all ages step inside Hopper’s Poppers.
It is always fun to visit the shop in Roxboro. Driving up, you are greeted by a skydancer waving his inflatable arms, chasing away everything but a good mood. Inside there is the aroma of chocolate and popcorn and bins of retro candies that transport you back many years (you don’t have to admit HOW many) to a time in childhood.
I met a friend there a couple of weeks ago to catch up. It had been way too long. Scanning the room, I saw her with a waffle cone of her favorite lemon ice cream. She was smiling and catching the drips with her tongue. So many choices; but I was drawn to my favorite as well — Cappuccino Crunch. What is your ice cream personality? Does it have to have chocolate? Fruit? Do you gravitate toward a favorite or try something new each visit? Remember as a kid being introduced to a new ice cream flavor with a small tasting spoon? The smiling faces behind the Hopper’s Poppers counter will be happy to help match you to your “today’s favorite.”
Hopper’s Poppers specializes in gourmet popcorn, (sweet and savory choices) Hershey’s ice cream, candied nuts, chocolates and coffee. The store has recently added Nancy’s Truffles, Chocolates & Fudge from Virginia. You can also find baskets and crates that are perfect for gifts, events and fundraisers. It is a happy place to meet friends, family and co-workers. A place to reconnect to the pleasure of sharing smiles.
It is exciting that all this yummy goodness will be offered at the newest location in Danville, Va. soon. Opening this summer, the new Hopper’s Poppers will be on Trade Street, right off Riverside Drive (behind Chick-fil-A). The owners are active members of the community in Roxboro and want to be a part of what’s happening in the growth of River City.
234 N. Madison Boulevard
Roxboro, NC 27573
(336) 647-4700
@HoppersPoppers 468 Trade St
Danville, Va. 24541-3510