By Rebecca Page
It’s spring! This spring began like no other with “stay at home” orders to prevent the spread of the corona virus. Thankfully, Governor Roy Cooper regards farmers’ markets as “essential” players in the food system, like grocery stores, so we can enjoy our favorite homegrown flavors of the season for comfort and nourishment. The Caswell Farmers Market in Yanceyville (2246 Hwy. 86, by Goodwill) is open for its sixth season on Thursdays, from 4 to 6:30 p.m., with safety protocols in place. The market will run every Thursday through August, rain or shine (but not thunderstorms).
The market will look different this year. To discourage gathering, there will be no large pavilion-style tent, and vendors will be spread generously apart (at least 10 feet) to facilitate individual social distancing. There will be signs, markings on the ground, and volunteers to kindly inform and remind patrons of safety protocols. There will be no Two Bite program or other activities for children and no fundraising bake sales until the special protocols can be rescinded.
The vendors’ tables will be for check-out only, and their produce will be displayed behind them, where shoppers can see but not touch. Shoppers will tell vendors or point to their choices and the vendors will bag with gloved hands. Vendors are advised to wipe down their check-out tables frequently.
Shoppers must take note of signage and maintain a generous distance (at least six feet) between themselves and others. The CDC is recommending that everyone wear a covering over their mouth and nose, not necessarily a mask, but a handkerchief, dish towel, cotton t-shirt or similar, to prevent unknowing infected people from inadvertently sharing the virus. Providing your own shopping bags is normally encouraged, but for now, leave them at home. Shoppers must be patient and cooperative as we are all learners in this new world! And please stay at home if you are sick.
Growers who have committed to come for the early market days will have:
Vegetable Transplants | Eggs | Beef | Honey | Homemade Soap |
Arugula | Lettuce | Poke | Salad | Hanging Baskets |
Sassafras Root | Jellies | Seasonings | Dips | CBD Products |
Fresh Herbs | Kale | Asparagus | Sauces | Dog Treats |
Green Garlic | Flowers | Rubs | Radishes | Frozen Soups |
Micro Greens | Spinach | Black Walnuts |
Homemade Arrangements Using Wild Grape Vines
During May, you can also expect to find: Onions, Collards, Cabbage and Broccoli.
To know what will be available at the market each week, go to caswelllocalfoods.org and click “subscribe” to receive the weekly newsletter.
If you have a passion for local food, you can join the fun by helping with:
Market Set-upPromoting with Social Media
Being a Vendor Shopping Weekly!
Donating (hand sanitizer would be nice!)
“Like” ‘Caswell Farmers Market’ on Facebook
Sponsored by the Caswell County Local Foods Council, this market is run by volunteers and funding from individual donations, modest vendor fees and grants from the following sources:
- Caswell County
- The Conservation Fund’s Resourceful Communities program and the Oak Foundation
- Caswell Community Impact Project Sponsorship, provided by Caswell Chapter of the Health Collaborative in partnership with Middle Border Forward.
Market rules and vendor applications can be found at caswelllocalfoods.org. Contact us at: [email protected]
Be well in Caswell! See you at the market!
Yanceyville, NC 27379