The Caswell Council for the Arts recently moved from its 2,750-square-feet space to a new, 500-square-feet gallery and office in the Co-Square complex in downtown Yanceyville. This move posed the challenge of what to do with valuable artwork collected from the most talented artists in the area for over 40 years.
The collection, which includes approximately 120 original works in a variety of styles, mediums, and influences, has been acquired piece by piece during the past four decades. Many of the works were purchased as part of the Caswell Arts’ annual Juried Show, where the organization traditionally makes a “purchase award” by buying a select piece of art chosen from all of the entries. Other pieces in the collection are commissioned works, and still others were gifts from artists over the years.
It has long been a priority to find suitable locations for the work, as much of it has spent time in storage over the years. “The goal with this collection has always been to see these works viewed and appreciated,” said Denise Burnette, executive director of Caswell Arts. “With the move to our new location, this goal and challenge has become more immediate,” she said.
With the help of some local organizations, the arts council has secured hanging space for many of the pieces in public areas of the community, such as the Caswell County Senior Center, the Gunn Memorial Public Library, Co-Square, and the Yanceyville Museum of Art. More locations are currently being discussed, and the organization is excited to put its “gallery around town” into community spaces for people to see and enjoy.
In addition to finding new public homes for the works, the Caswell Council for the Arts will also offer some for purchase. It was a difficult decision, according to the council, but it wants to put the art where it can be enjoyed and appreciated.
Approximately 30 of the works will be available for sale via silent auction. The auction will begin on Sept. 11 (Second Saturday in Yanceyville) at 10 a.m. and will run until Sept. 25 at 3 p.m., concluding during the annual Hoedown, an event organized by the Caswell Chamber of Commerce.
The public can view and bid on the pieces at the Lee Fowlkes Gallery at 125 Main St. in Yanceyville between Sept. 11 and Sept. 25.
Stop in to the Caswell Arts Gallery and save the date to join Caswell Arts on the auction’s closing day during the Hoedown festivities.
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